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In 2016, the extended Walker family celebrated their Parent’s 60th Wedding Anniversary in Kaanapali and Sheila decided to move to Maui permanently. Sheila maintains a design studio in her cottage and is an avid gardener. She is a prolific reader (mostly current events and international affairs), she’s a world traveler (all 50 states and over 10 countries) and in her spare time, she is a volunteer at Calvary Chapel South Maui. Sheila is a loving caretaker of two adorable fur babies and she enjoys time at the beach. In 2018, Sheila recovered from a 2 year battle with Lyme disease that almost claimed her life. She credits her strong belief in God for her healing and is grateful to have more years to be of service to others.

Personal Life


Build "Up-Country" Connector Road

Religious Freedom

Voter ID Required 

Finish West Side Bypass

Stop Endless Wars 

Parental Rights – School Choice

No Vax Pass or Mandates

Outlaw Glyphosate Use

 West Side Hospital

Term Limits for Politicians

End Human Trafficking

Resolve Homelessness

1st & 2nd Amendments

US Constitution & Flag

Hawaii Constitution

Support the Police

Limit 5G Towers

Reduce Our State Taxes

Support Small Business

No Critical Race Theory in Schools

Maui First – Hawaii First

Preserve Native Hawaiian Culture



Meet Sheila

Sheila Walker, a 2024 Republican Candidate for Hawaii State Senate District 6, has Courage, Compassion and Common Sense.  Passionate about bringing Prosperity and Aloha back to the island and people of Maui, Sheila ran for the same office in 2022. Although she didn't win that race, she was not discouraged, she will not quit, she will not back-down and she will not give up on the people in her community.  Sheila Walker is always ready to take ACTION!  Sheila is the President of the Maui Republican Women's Club and is a National Delegate to the Republican Party.

Party Race

Sheila ran for Treasurer of the Hawai'i State Republican Party in 2023. In this video, Sheila describes a plan to bring prosperity back to the party and help it grow. 

My Priority Action Items

  • REBUILD Lahaina and get families back in their homes, immediately

  • EXTEND the BYPASS (without raising taxes)

  • Provide Waikapu and Olowalu with a FIRE STATION 

  • Resolve FLOODING in Kihei (using deep rooted plants)

  • Improve EDUCATION (Parents should have the right to choose)

  • Create ATTAINABLE HOUSING (using proven strategies that results in home ownership)

  • Reduce HOMELESSNESS (no one-way tickets to Maui without evidence of an income, a permanent home, or other verification)

  • Relieve HEAVY TRAFFIC (by proposing more connector roads and emergency exits from Kihei)

  • Promote SMALL BUSINESS (reduce permits, fines, red tape, increase promotions and provide interest free working capital)

I WILL ALWAYS put the people of "MAUI FIRST" 

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